EIC projects | Glycanostics
The Slovak biotechnology company Glycanostics, which focuses on creating reliable tests for the diagnosis of prostate cancer from a patient’s blood, received two million euros from the prestigious European grant EIC Accelerator. Researchers at Glycanostics are developing tests to be accurate in 90 percent of cases. So far, they have the first results to suggest that they are well on their way to achieving this goal. In the past, they have received grants from the European Commission for their feasibility studies and a prestigious scientific ERC grant, which they have won twice as the only one in Slovakia. CB Investment Management and the Crowdberry platform also invested in the company.
Glycanostics received almost € 2 million from the EIC scheme through “grant first” support. This means that Glycanostics is entitled to continue the capital investment through the EIC if they successfully meet the set milestones, which confirms that the innovation project has a high chance of real market launch.
Success is all the more rare because Glycanostics project promoters have succeeded in competing with more than 800 ideas and projects. Thanks to their groundbreaking idea, they have joined the other two projects supported so far from the EIC Accelerator schemes – MultiplexDX and Sensoneo.