Contract co-financed from EŠIF - IROP. It is a specific contract, a superstructure that requires the use of particular materials and construction procedures for its quality implementation.
It was a specific contract, a superstructure that requires the use of particular materials and construction procedures for its quality implementation.
The contract is co-financed mainly by the EU - Integrated Regional Operational Programme. For this reason, the documentation of the procurement procedure had to meet the strictest criteria.
The preparation of the public procurement, for the most part, consists of the selection of the procedure itself, the thorough drafting of the description of the subject matter following § 42(1) of the Public Procurement Act, and the setting of optimal conditions of participation to ensure both broad competition and compliance with the law and the required quality level of the bidders. Due to the specific and demanding technical and technological procedures that were to be used and also the emphasis on quality in the execution of these procedures by the contracting authority, particular conditions of participation of technical and professional competence were set, as a result of which we requested on our initiative the Public Procurement Office for a 1st ex-ante control to assess the correctness and appropriateness of the setting of such conditions to achieve the maximum satisfaction of the contracting authority with the qualitative readiness of the potential bidders. In cooperation with the contracting authority for this subcontract for construction works, we have chosen a procedure without using the electronic marketplace. At the same time, we have followed the so-called reverse procedure following § 112(6), which allows the contracting authority to relieve the contracting authority of a significant administrative burden in an organizational way.
During the bid submission period, we have been communicating with the bidders, and we have also dealt with a request for remedy, for which we have been greatly facilitated by the request of the Public Procurement Office for a 1st ex-ante check in the preparation of the whole tender. After the initial evaluation of the bids, the first-ranked bidder subsequently demonstrated satisfaction, including responding to requests for clarification of the bid. It met the conditions for participation and was qualitatively prepared, and was evaluated as the successful bidder given the lowest price. After administering all the documentation (minutes from the meeting, committee appointments, notices), we successfully accompanied the contracting authority to sign the works contract. The resulting price was ultimately more than 19% lower than the estimated value of the contract.
Our comment
As this contract is co-funded by the Euro funds, its set-up must be subject to strict controls. The biggest challenge of this contract was the quality of the tender conditions to ensure that a supplier with additional capacity was selected and at the same time that the set-up of the tender conditions was not assessed as discriminatory during the audits.