(introductory article about EDIH | Have you heard of the acronym EDIH?)
As previous EDIHs, Hopero also helps SMEs and institutions to take digitalisation to the next level. It connects and develops companies and public organisations through training and independent advice on the use of AI and financing. Artificial intelligence helps in various areas of process automation, relieving routine work and giving the opportunity to focus on strategic tasks. It also makes it possible to analyse large amounts of data faster and more efficiently, to uncover trends or hidden information, facilitating decision-making based on factual data or predicting future events. By processing and evaluating customer behaviour, it can create personalised marketing.
The mission of the Hopero Hub is to create a link between AI opportunities and its use in companies or public organisations. The first step in the hub’s collaboration with a business is to assess the digital maturity of that business. Then, with the cooperation of experts from the hub and the enterprise, areas in which the enterprise can develop further are set. Finally, the hub will help the company to find funding for the implementation of the project and will also take care of all formalities related to state aid.
The hub consortium consists of:
- KINIT – Kempelen Institute for Intelligent Technology – an independent, non-profit research institute that aims to bring excellent science to companies as a key tool for developing talent and accelerating technology transfer and increasing innovation.
- CIVITTA Slovakia – one of the Central European leaders in supporting innovation and innovators, focusing on innovation and grant consultancy
- SAPIE – an independent and non-profit platform that focuses on supporting the innovation ecosystem and digitalization in Slovakia. It aims to build networks between private, public and non-profit actors.
- Centre for Joint Activities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Computing Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences – Slovak providers of access to public high-performance computing systems.
The services provided by Hopero are:
- Preparation for Artificial Intelligence
- Deployment of artificial intelligence
- Securing funding
- Connecting with the community
A detailed overview of the services provided can be found here.
If you are interested in working with the experts in this hub, just fill in the short questionnaire on their website.
Source: https://hopero.sk/