EIC projects | SDS Optic
SDS Optic is another successful project financed by EIC schemes. Their inProbe technology has been supported for 5 years thanks to which the project is one of the successful EIC projects that we want to introduce to you in more detail. SDS Optic is a leading biotechnology and medical company specializing in connecting large-scale molecular biology with photonics, immunochemistry and biomedical engineering. The SDS Optic team is working on breakthrough technology based on the rapid detection of the test substance in the body, including cancer markers, with extreme precision, the use of laser beams and the use of innovative components.
Thanks to the use of thin microsonic, the diagnostic device should perform accurate, very fast and less painful measurements of tumor markers. Such a diagnosis will allow physicians to initiate patient-appropriate therapy much faster, which in turn translates into effective treatment. SDS Optic has successfully passed in vitro testing, preclinical animal testing and has already launched clinical trials on more than 200 patients in 5 oncology centers in Poland.
The company has already received almost EUR 13 million (including capital funding), employs almost 40 people and operates a high-quality, fully equipped research and development center with an area of almost 700 m2 in the Polish city of Lublin. In addition, SDS Optic has won the Innovation Radar Prize 2020 for the best innovation created by women.
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