Four submitted project applications
By the end of 2022, together with our clients, we managed to submit 4 project applications to the “quick” call announced by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (https://www.opvai.sk/vyzvy/) The call was aimed at supporting innovation and technology transfer in companies. It was a “quick” challenge mainly due to the relatively short time for the development of project applications and the conditions for the physical implementation of the project by the end of 2023 (with the possibility of extension until the middle of 2024), which can be quite a challenge for technology-oriented projects.
Project submissions are focused on the following areas:
The first and at the same time the largest of the projects is aimed at innovating the process of production and distribution of electricity from renewable sources. Thanks to the possibility of obtaining non-refundable financial means, new technology will be procured for connecting photovoltaic devices and building new substations in order to increase the quality, stability, safety and capacity of the local distribution system in the industrial area. The total authorized expenses for the project are in the value of: €1,327,577.86
The second submitted project is aimed at ensuring a completely new operation for the production of the product – a electric charging station for homes, and at the same time the innovation of this product. As a result of the project, 6 innovative devices will be procured, which will ensure a complete production process from the client’s own capacities. The total authorized expenses for the project are in the amount of: €446,3733.34
The third in the order is aimed at increasing the technological level of production, where a complex production line for the production of gabions will be procured, with a total value of: €445,333.33
And last but not least – the fourth project, which is aimed at innovation of production processes for existing products, i.e. as part of the implementation of the project, two new technologies will be procured: a laser and a press brake. The total authorized expenses for the project are worth: €419,599.42.
At this moment, we are starting the preparation of public procurements for individual projects and waiting for the evaluation of the submitted applications.